Isadora 4 Perpetual Licenses are purchased with a single one-time payment and remain valid indefinitely.

When you purchase an Isadora 4 Perpetual License, you will receive a License ID and License Activation Password via email which you can use to activate Isadora on your computer. Once you have activated your Isadora Perpetual License will function indefinitely on that computer, with no online connections required.

Once you've purchased your license and received your license information, please read our article that explains how to activate your Isadora license.

Support Period

Isadora 4 Perpetual Licenses permanently support the use of any version of Isadora 4 released from launch through two years after the purchase date. If desired, this support period can be extended later by purchasing an additional year of updates via the online License Portal. For more details, please see this article.


All Isadora 4 Perpetual Licenses are cross-platform and may be used with both Windows and macOS. You do not need to make any changes to your license if you decide to switch to a different operating system.

Multiple Computers

You may activate your Isadora 4 Perpetual license on up to two computers, though you may run it only on one machine at a time. If you purchase a new computer, you can easily migrate your license to a new machine by deactivating Isadora 4 on your old computer first. You will then be able to activate Isadora 4 on your new machine.

Upgrading your Perpetual License

Perpetual licenses are not automatically upgraded when a new major version of Isadora is released. Upgrades can be purchased on the TroikaTronix product page of FastSpring's online store.