Customers who purchased one or more Isadora 3 Perpetual, USB Key, or Sassafras Licenses in 2024 are eligible for a special discount to Isadora 4. Upgrade today and save money—this exclusive offer ends three months after the release of Isadora 4!
(Note: Users who upgraded to Isadora 3 in 2024 are not eligible for this discount and should instead read our article on how to upgrade an Isadora 3 Buy-to-Own License to Isadora 4.)

How do I get the discount if I have an Isadora 3 Perpetual License?

Follow the instructions in our article for upgrading an Isadora 3 Perpetual License to Isadora 4 but when you get to the Upgrades tab in the License Portal you'll be able to select a special, discounted upgrade. Don't forget to apply for an academic discount if you qualify.

How do I get the discount if I have an Isadora 3 USB Key or Sassafras License?

If you purchased one or more Isadora 3 USB Key or Sassafras Licenses in 2024 simply:

  1. Open a support ticket using the same email address you used to purchase the license(s):
  2. For "Type" select "Sales/Licenses".
  3. For "Issue" select "I have a question about upgrading Isadora".
  4. In "Description" tell us how many upgrades you'd like to purchase and any extra information about the license(s) that may be relevant.
  5. For "Serial Number or License ID" fill in your License ID (e.g., 12345678) or Serial Number (e.g. ISA-12345).
  6. We will send you a special payment link through which to make the purchase
  7. Don't forget to apply for an academic discount if you qualify.
  8. We will need to process you order manually, so within one business day, or up to two business days for orders placed on weekends and holidays we will respond and walk you through the process of upgrading to Isadora 4 at the discounted rate.

Why does this discount exist?

We created this special discount to ensure that customers who purchased an Isadora 3 Buy-to-Own License in 2024 don't end up paying more than those who waited for Isadora 4. This discount makes the combined cost of the Isadora 3 Buy-to-Own License and the upgrade equal to the cost of an Isadora 4 Buy-to-Own License. It's a bit complex to explain verbally, so here's a visual explanation:


Isadora 3 Buy-to-Own

3 to 4 Upgrade

3 to 4 Upgrade (Discount)


Isadora 4 Buy-to-Own

Price Difference

No discount







With discount





